Frequently Asked Questions

Please note, supported web browsers for desktop computer systems include Chrome (version 65+), Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Safari. Supported web browsers for mobile devices include Chrome and Safari.

Does your employer sponsor a retirement plan with Pension Corporation of America? To register for your retirement plan account, begin on our login page:

For a quick view of your total account balance, go to the Home tab → Your Account, then view the Your Account tile.

To view detailed balances by investment or contribution type, select the Your Portfolio tile.

To review or change how much you contribute to the plan, go to the Home tab → Your Account, and select Savings Rate.

Alternately, go to the Manage tab → Manage Contributions.

And then choose Change Contributions.

Please note that not all plans allow employee contributions or online updates to contribution amounts. Please see your Summary Plan Description or Plan Highlights for more information.

Generally fund pricing is updated daily during the evening and overnight hours after each market day. Some asset prices may not be available until later the following day or may be priced less frequently.

To review or change how new contributions to your account are invested, go to the Home tab → Your Account, and select the Investment Allocation tile.

Alternately, go to the Manage tab → Manage Contributions.

And then choose Investment Elections.

To make a change to your current investments, go to the Home tab → Your Account, and select the Your Portfolio tile.

Alternately, go to the Manage tab → Your Portfolio

And then choose Portfolio Rebalance or Investment Transfer.

Some plans offer managed portfolios or automatic portfolio rebalancing. To explore these options, go to the Home tab → Your Account, and select the Your Portfolio tile.

Alternately, go to the Manage tab → Your Portfolio

And then choose Portfolio Services and Auto Rebalancing.

To review or update your account beneficiaries go to My Profile and choose Beneficiary

More Information on Account Beneficiaries

To review or update your contact information, go to My Profile. Your options may include:

Please note, some plans require changes to mailing address, email address, or phone number to come from the plan sponsor. If you need to update your contact information and do not have the option on our site, please contact your HR department.

To review or update your account's password, user ID, Two-Factor Authentication, and secret question & answer, go to My Profile

For more information on Two-Factor Authentication, please see our 2FA Guide.

Go to the Home tab → Your Account, and, and choose the YTD Return option to view more details about your account's performance.

Alternately, go to the View tab → Performance & Statements → Personal Performance

To view your most recent eStatements or generate a Statement on Demand, Go to the View tab → Performance & Statements

To change your Statement Delivery preferences (eStatement vs. Mail), go to My Profile → Delivery Preferences.

For forms and 1099s available online, go to the View tab → Forms

Please note not all forms and 1099s will be available online. For further assistance, please contact PCA Participant Services.

Go to the View tab → Account Projection

Go to the Home tab → Your Account, and choose the Video Learning Center tile.

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Explore the Learn tab.

Your options may include features such as Financial Finesse, MasteryPoint Guidance, your plan's Investment Performance, and useful documentation about your plan, such as your Summary Plan Description and Plan Highlights.

For further assistance planning and investing your account, please contact PCA Participant Services and we will put you in touch with your plan's financial advisor.

Go to the View tab → Fee Disclosure.

If your plan offers additional features such as a Defined Benefit Plan Account Link or Retirement Calculators, go to the Home tab.

Please note, these resources are only available on applicable accounts.

Go to the Home tab → Your Account, and choose the Video Learning Center tile.

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Please explore our educational and reference resources under Learn.

Your options may include features such as Financial Finesse, MasteryPoint Guidance, your plan's Investment Performance, and useful documentation about your plan, such as your Summary Plan Description and Plan Highlights.

For further assistance planning and investing your account, please contact PCA Participant Services and we will put you in touch with your plan's financial advisor.

Go to the Learn tab.

Here you will find useful documentation and resources for learning about your plan, such as your Summary Plan Description and Plan Highlights.

If you have further questions, PCA Participant Services is happy to help.

In general, you may withdraw assets from your account after attaining retirement age or leaving employment of the retirement plan's sponsor. Some plans may offer additional options. To find out more, please refer to your Plan Highlights or your Summary Plan Description

If you have ended employment with your account's plan sponsor and would like to withdraw your assets, please contact PCA Participant Services to begin the process.

For your convenience, online withdrawals may be available. Go to Manage → Withdraw to review your options. Please note, not all plans permit online withdrawals.

If your plan does not permit online withdrawals:

Some plans permit you to take a hardship withdrawal from your retirement plan account. A hardship withdrawal is generally only permitted for certain types of financial need, including unexpected medical expenses, costs related to the purchase of a primary residence, tuition and related educational expenses, payments necessary to prevent eviction from or foreclosure on your primary residence, funeral expenses, and certain natural disasters. In general, hardship withdrawals are taxable disbursements and may be subect to a 10% early withdrawal penalty. For more information, please refer to your Summary Plan Description or Plan Highlights.

To request a hardship withdrawal from your account, please see your employer's HR department.

Some plans permit you to take loans from your retirement plan account. Go to Manage → Withdraw to review your options. You may also refer to your Summary Plan Description or Plan Highlights. Please note, not all plans permit loans.

A loan taken from your retirement account differs from other types of loans in these ways:

A participant loan must be repaid in full, and origination and maintenance fees may apply. If you fail to repay the loan, the IRS will consider the outstanding balance a taxable distribution. Taking a loan will impact your retirement account because the borrowed money is no longer invested in the plan. Therefore you will forego all potential gains on borrowed funds.

It typically takes three to four weeks for you to receive payment for a withdrawal from your retirement account. Hardship or other in-service withdrawals may be received in one to two weeks.

It typically takes one to two weeks for you to receive payment for a loan from your retirement account.

If online withdrawal or loan options are enabled for your plan, you may check its progress by going to Manage → Withdraw. You may also contact PCA Participant Services to check its status.

Retirement savings accounts are intended for long-term goals, and for most participants these accounts are their most significant financial asset. We proceed very carefully to ensure that assets are paid out correctly to the account holder or beneficiary.

All disbursements are sent via check.

If you are rolling over your account to another retirement plan, generally taxes will not apply. But in most other cases taxes will apply to your withdrawal. Amounts paid directly to participants under the age of 59.5 are usually subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. Amounts attributable to pre-tax contributions are subject to a mandatory 20% tax withholding rate and are considered income in the year of the withdrawal. Earnings on post-tax contributions (for ex., Roth contributions) may be subject to a mandatory 20% tax withholding rate and considered income in the year of the withdrawal.

For more details, see the IRS Special Tax Notice

Taxes do not apply to loans from your plan. However, if you fail to repay the loan, the IRS will consider the outstanding balance a taxable distribution.

Many plans permit you to rollover other retirement accounts into your current retirement account. To find out more, please refer to your Summary Plan Description or Plan Highlights.

You may also contact PCA Participant Services for more information or to begin the process.

Most retirement accounts permit you to defer a portion of your income to the plan.

For your convenience, online deferral changes may be available. Go to Manage → Manage Contributions to review your options.

For more information, please refer to our Introduction: Site Basics and How-To's

If your plan does not permit online deferral changes, please contact your HR department for more information.

You may stop your deferrals at any time, however the frequency of other changes may be limited. To learn more, please refer to your Summary Plan Description or Plan Highlights.
Please be sure to verify that deferral rate changes requested online or through your HR department have been successfully updated in your employer's payroll system.

Some plans feature an Automatic Contribution Arrangement (ACA) Program. An ACA program automates your contributions to a retirement account. Generally an ACA program will determine your deferral rate and an appropriate default investment. You may opt out of an ACA program at any time.

To learn more, please refer to your Summary Plan Description or Plan Highlights.

Generally your plan will have a designated default investment, used in the event that a participant makes contributions to the plan but never chooses how they would like to invest their contributions.

To learn more about the default investment for your plan, please refer to your Summary Plan Description or Plan Highlights

There are many resources available for learning about your investment options. On this site your options include:

Additionally, a prospectus and fund fact sheet are available for most assets. Links to these resources are available in the Investment Performance, Portfolio Rebalance, Investment Transfer, and Future Contributions pages.

If your plan permits you to direct your investments, you may use this website to make changes to your asset allocation.

In general, your options include:

Some plans also provide Managed Portfolios or Pre-Defined Automatic Rebalance Portfolios. To explore these options, go to Manage → Your Portfolio → Portfolio Services and Auto Rebalancing.

For more information on how to perform these transactions, please refer to our Introduction: Site Basics and How-To's

Generally you may transfer or realign your investments at any time, however some assets may have specific restrictions. For example, mutual fund companies may implement a trading policy in an effort to discourage short term trading. The trading policy may include the right of the fund company to reject future fund transfer purchase orders. The rights of shareholders to redeem shares of a fund are not affected by these trading policies.

Mutual fund companies may also implement a Contingent Redemption Fee (CRF). A CRF is charged by some funds to their shareholders when shares are redeemed within a specified period time. The fee is meant to discourage short time trading. A redemption fee is typically used to defray fund costs associated with a shareholder's redemption.

Shareholders should carefully consider information contained in the prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, trading restrictions, charges and expenses.

You may make changes to your account at any time via this website. Generally, changes submitted on or after 2:00 pm EST M-F are processed the following business day, with exceptions for market holidays and early closures.

Please note, we will process your request as quickly as feasible. You will not have the option to cancel your request after it has been processed.

If anything should happen to you, your account beneficiaries will receive your assets. A beneficiary may be a person, a trust, or an organization. You may designate Primary and Contingent Beneficiaries. A primary beneficiary is the first person or organization to receive the proceeds of a retirement plan upon the death of the plan participant. If the primary beneficiary is not living (or inactive in the case of an organization), the proceeds go to the designated contingent beneficiaries. If you are married and designate someone other than your spouse as your primary beneficiary, your spouse must consent in writing for your designation to be valid; please see your HR department to obtain the proper documentation.

Some plans permit you to view or update your Beneficiary online. Go to My Profile → Beneficiaries to review your options.

If your plan does not permit online beneficiary updates, please contact your HR department to update your beneficiaries.

Your personal data and assets are extremely important to us. To secure your information and assets we use industry leading technology, rigorous procedures, and our team is continually trained to recognize social engineering attacks. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to PCA Participant Services.

You will receive notifications upon any change to your account. Go to My Profile → Delivery Preferences to update your options. Generally, you may choose between paper or Email confirmations, or may opt out. Your plan's options may vary.